Ana Rossi vocals, Ramiro Pinheiro guitar and vocals, Àlvar Monfort tpt, Jonas Santana percussion, Rodrigo Balduino bass and, Nico Correa drums.
Alma Brasileira is a true journey. A happy and surprising pilgrimage through the rhythms of Brazil, which translates into a particular way of feeling its culture. This quintet shines both in the compositions and in the delicacy of the arrangements and the talented interpretations of its members. They walk along the paths that jazz has opened, sliding through improvisation, recreating themselves in the interaction of the musicians and in that parade of landscapes and rhythms there is, in turn, a homogeneity in the concept, a unity that breathes in diversity, a varnish that gives everything the same round shine. Happiness and sadness. Optimism and disappointment. All at the same time. The contradictions of the Brazilian soul come together in a repertoire focused on this peculiar bittersweet flavor that is a constant in the samba tradition and the clarity of Bossa Nova.
Jamboree Jam is the oldest jam session in Barcelona and where you can meet the best musicians in the world.
The session begins with a concert by a Latin-jazz group at 7 pm. From 8.30 in the afternoon, the Jamboree Jam is open to any musician who wants to come up and play. Although the Jams are Latin jazz, there is no problem playing other music such as jazz, blues, funk, soul, hip hop, etc.
Instagram: @ramiropinheiroguitar · @jonasantanaa · @nicolas_correa_vila · @anarossiarias · @alvar.jazz