Barcelona Big Blues Band feat. Ster Wax - Rck-a-bell Christmas Party - Jamboree Jazz
Barcelona Big Blues Band Jamboree
R&B Rock and Roll Swing
Barcelona Big Blues Band feat. Ster Wax – Rck-a-bell Christmas Party

Ster Wax vocals, Ivan Kovacevic doublebass and conduction, Duska Miscevic y Ignasi Poch alto sax, Pol Prats and Nil Mujal tenor sax, Nuria Vito baritone sax, Jaume Torné trumpet, Aram Montagud and Miguel Berenguer trombone, Federizo Mazzanti piano, Hector Martin guitar and, Arnau Julià drums.

Once again, the sonic hurricane of the Barcelona Big Blues Band (BBBB) adds an extra spice to the Christmas festivities. Rock’n’roll-driven and rock-hard, the songs we’ve heard all our lives shine in a very different way than God intended. And, to make it possible, the BBBB has the wild voice of the great singer Ster Wax. If you want to spend a quiet Christmas night, stay as far away from the iconic basement of Plaça Reial as you can. you already know