Barcelona Big Blues Band feat. Big Dani Perez - Jamboree Jazz
Rhythm and Jamboree
R&B Rock and Roll Swing
Barcelona Big Blues Band feat. Big Dani Perez

Big Dani Pérez voz y saxo tenor · Ivan Kovacevic double bass and conduction · Duska Miscevic, Ignasi Poch alto sax · Martí Carrasco, Nil Mujal tenor sax · Nuria Vito baritone sax · Jaume Torné, Tobi Till trumpet · Aram Montagud, Miguel Berenguer trombone · Federizo Mazzanti piano · Hector Martin guitar · Arnau Julià drums.

With all of you: the saxophonist Big Dani Pérez, one of the great representatives of wild sax in our country. Big Dani Pérez visits the Jamboree once more and, as if that wasn’t enough, he performs surrounded by the Barcelona Big Blues Band, a real wave of sound. Energetic and fast-paced night, to the rhythm of rhythm-and-blues and rock-and-roll. what else do you want