BCN PEOPLE: Julia Rodríguez + Xavi Maldonado Trio + Duralumin - Jamboree Jazz
19h Julia Rodríguez

Julia Rodríguez vocals & spanish guitar.

Julia Rodríguez, a singer and multi-instrumentalist from the Canary Islands, performs a repertoire based on Latin American and Canary Island folk music. Her concert also includes original songs and her own compositions.

20:30h Xavi Maldonado Trio

Xavier Maldonado tenor sax & soprano, Luuís Pérez-Villegas drums, Manuel Luque double bass.

The saxophonist Xavi Maldonado leads this trio, which is completed with classmates from ESMUC. They play pieces by Wayne Shorter, Thelonious Monk, Ornette Coleman and other great jazz players.

22h Duralumin

Diego Nogueira bass, Joan Agulló drums, Gerard Carulla guitar, Miquel Freixas piano, Anna Cera vocals.

This band, formed at the ESMUC, perform a repertoire of funk and soul that will get the whole Jamboree audience on their feet.

BCN PEOPLE: Julia Rodríguez + Xavi Maldonado Trio + Duralumin

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