Present ¿Dónde está nuestro hogar?
Gorka Benitez tenor sax, Guillermo Celano guitar, Marcos Baggiani drums
It is some years ago now that Gorka Benitez, a Biscayan saxophonist established in Barcelona, started working with the creative association (Celano-Baggiani) formed by two Argentinian musicians connected with avantgarde jazz. In 2010, Benitez worked on a Celano and Baggiani album, Alienology, on which the Dutch saxophonist Michael Moore also appeared. This year, Baggiani, Celano and Benitez have decided to form a trio, with which they have just released the album ¿Dónde está nuestro hogar? (or “Non Dago Gure Etxea” in Basque), which they will present at the Jamboree. The result of this new coming together is an aesthetic commitment make an in-depth study of melodic roots and to take them into territories where the border between improvisation and composition is blurred. This time, Gorka Benitez’s poetic idiosyncrasy has some unexpected sonic explorations and harmonic twists. “The music never loses its fire: group landscapes with an impressionistic tendency are followed by powerful solos,” they say.