Clarence Bekker Band XXL - Jamboree Jazz
Clarence Bekker Band XXL

Clarence Bekker voice, Francisco Guisado “Rubio” guitar, Arecio Smith keyboards, Charlie Cuevas bass, Leo Torres trumpet, Roberto Albrecia alto sax, Pol Padros tenor sax and Carlos López drums.

Clarence Bekker’s great gift is that he can reach the soul of anyone who comes down the steps of the Jamboree on a Thursday evening. With his deep, magnetic, vibrant voice he is a worthy heir to the repertoire of the great masters from the history of soul, funk and pop, from James Brown to Whitney Houston, not forgetting Prince, Michael Jackson and Tina Turner. From time to time, he also appears with his band in the extra-large format, performing at some of the main black music festivals. In the XXL Band, his powerful quintet is joined by the brass section known as the Harrison Horns. The repertoire for this special session also includes some tracks from Clarence Bekker’s latest album.


Instagram: @clarencebekkerband 

Facebook: Clarence Bekker Band