Dani Nel·lo sax · Gerard Nieto orgue · Martín Burguez guitar · Ramón Ángel Rey drums.
In the late 1950s, rhythm’n’blues and jazz saxophonists came together to cook up a new sound. The result was the creation of a very powerful sound, made with very few elements. The organ trio conquered the club and dance hall circuits of the time. Nel·lo has collected a selection of his favorite compositions and adapted them to that sound, with Gerard Nieto, on the organ, Martín Burguez, on the guitar, and Rarmón Ángel Rey, on the drums. Under the name Dani Nel·lo + Organ Trio, he has published the EP ‘Grand Prix’ (Buenritmo Records), which he will present at the Jamboree along with a selection of projects such as Los Saxofonistas Salvajes, Los Mambo Jambo, Sax-O-Rama and Noir, in the key of organ trio.