Andy Blanc vocals · Jay Kalo drums · Kevin Diaz keyboards · Tito Bonacera bass
Andy Blanc, better known as “The Odds,” is a Brooklyn-based artist renowned for creating a distinctive style he calls “ImpossibleOdds Gentleman Hip-Hop.” This unique genre combines profound lyrics with jazzy, sharp, and sophisticated rhythms. With his group, The Odds Band, Blanc has established an original formula rooted in jazz influences and classic hip-hop foundations. The band has performed on stages across the United States, Germany, the UK, Brazil, and other countries. Their debut album, Pristine (2024), showcases Blanc’s talent as a creator, featuring conceptual lyrics, refined beats, and cinematic imagery. Blanc encapsulates the essence of his artistic vision with a revealing statement: “When nothing is going your way, it’s good to do the impossible.”