Pol García Vilart trumpet, Clara Reverter Tuset trombone, Mireia Vidal trumpet, Pau Albir alto 1, Alba Ruiz alto 2, Victor Vallcanera tenor 1, Èlia Blasco tenor 2, Núria Puyuelo baríton, Tomeu Estelrich trumpet 1, Joan Lupiáñez trumpet 2, Fernando Montosa trompa (trombó 1), Nil Albà trombó 2, Joan Santamarta trombó 3, Detlef Hillbricht trombó baix, Pau Gil guitarra, Elisabet Pons piano, Manuel García baix elèctric, Rafael Motila bateria, Nuria Fossas i Irene Simic veus.
The ESEM Big Band come to the Jamboree to present the repertoire they’ve been working on throughout the year. Formed solely by students from the Taller de Músics higher school of music, the ESEM Big Band are, above all, a tight-knit orchestra who are absolute experts in swing, and in the jazz language and tradition in general, with a fine repertoire. Behind all this is the good work of their leader, the well-known saxophonist, composer and arranger Lluc Casares. So don’t miss the chance to enjoy the art of young people who will soon be packing out concert halls and festivals.