Karol Green vocals and looper, Enric Ez guitar and bass, Martí Hosta drums
Gaia is the debut solo album from Karol Green, one of the most experienced gospel singers in this country. Known, among other merits, for conducting the choirs the Barcelona Soul Choir and Gospelians Girona, Karol Green has released her long-awaited solo album, a CD simmered gently over a low heat with the help of the illustrious Arnau Figueres (producer and multi-instrumentalist), Dave Bianchi (mastering), Pau Figueres and Enric Ez (guitars), Adri González (keyboards), Antonio Torres (drums), Xavi Lozano (wind instruments) and the Barcelona Soul Choir (backing vocals). The result of all this is a set of 11 compositions – 10 in his mother tongue, English, and one “Vals tot el món sencer” in Catalan – featuring pop, soul and world music sounds. Gaia is a song to nature: to the lights and colours that have inspired her life. She will present the album exclusively at the Jamboree.