Latin@Barra - Jamboree Jazz
Latin Jazz

Mario Roldán directing · Eva Garin, Pau Figuera, Aleix March, Tere Fernàndez, Jose Luis, Jorge Candel sax · Aleix Herraiz, Francesc Rodriguez, Jordi Figuera, Josep Camprubí, Nuria Domenech trombones · Antonio Gonzalez, Xavi Puig, Pere Paltre, Ignasi Ferreres trumpets · Jordi Valls piano · Jordi Roca drums · Jordi Portet bass · David Landry guitar · Joan Marc percusion


La Big Barra Band returns with a repertoire of Latin songs with lots and lots of flavor. A musical proposal designed to enjoy the rhythm and the good vibes of the 20 members of the Band who will fill the stage. The “gosadera” is guaranteed…you can’t miss it.

The Big Barra Band is 100% Km 0 Music.


