Marina BBface · Alex Zayas · Joan Vigo · Oriol Pidelaserra · Sergi Torrents
+ Special guests
A Hurricane Soul and Funk that will not leave you indifferent.
Critics have said of his last concert: “God sent his son Jesus Christ to earth, and he died. Then he sent his daughter Janis Joplin and she also died. In the end, God, who is a woman, came down directly to Earth, and with Some apostles showed themselves to everyone like Marina BBface and her Beatroots.
Marina is the one who will save us from musical tedium. Pure Soul, pure soul in each of his songs. Faithfulness and eternal glory!”
After a long silence, they have come back stomping. They are coming to the Jamboree to present their new album ‘Journey,’ a personal and sonic journey through Soul, Rock, and Funk. This album promises to be a turning point.
Concert for people over 18 years old.