Martha High & Soul Cookers - Jamboree Jazz
Martha High & Soul Cookers
Martha High & Soul Cookers

Martha High vocals · Tony Match drums · Roy Panebianco guitarr · Léonardo Corradi keyboards


Marta High, with her powerful and soulful voice, has been an emblematic figure in the world of soul, making her mark on the music scene since the 1960s. Accompanying the legendary James Brown, she has witnessed the evolution of soul from its roots, participating in tours that took her around the world and sharing the stage with music greats like Bo Diddley, George Clinton, and Marvin Gaye. Her career, spanning over five decades, is a testament to her passion and dedication to the art, and her upcoming performance at Jamboree alongside the Soul Cookers promises to be a celebration worthy of her energetic presence.



Marta High




Price of numbered seats: €40

Price of standing tickets: €35


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