Molt Dope - Jamboree Jazz
Molt Dope
Molt Dope

Marzo James singer · Daniel Domínguez drums · Llorenç Barcelo hammonds


Molt Dope emerges as a vibrant fusion of talents, offering a show that is a true celebration of musical diversity. With the powerful voice at the forefront, complemented by the iconic sound of the Hammond and the unmistakable energy of the drums, this trio takes us on a journey through genres ranging from funk to soul, with touches of gospel and hip-hop. The chemistry on stage is the result of countless hours of dedication to forge a distinctive and unique sound. Marzo James, Llorenç Barceló, and Dani Domínguez, each with their impressive careers, come together to create something that is more than the sum of its parts: Molt Dope is a musical experience not to be missed.





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