Rai Paz Quartet - Jamboree Jazz
Rai Paz Quartet Jamboree
Rai Paz Quartet

Rai Paz guitar and compositions · Toni Saigi piano · Pau Sala doublebass · Joan Moll drums.The music of guitarist Rai Paz leads to a deeply personal and intimate style, where we find resonances of the great masters of jazz, Broadway music, romanticism and pop. His interpretations avoid any artificial shine as a soloist. Paz manages to make the quartet a unitary ensemble, a single voice creating atmospheres. As an author, Rai Paz has signed excellent albums such as ‘Return’, an approach to the work of the great Sean Levitt, and ‘Dedication’, with his own songs. Both works were published by Underpool in 2022. Paz has also worked with musicians such as the singer Elisenda Julià – with whom he presented the joint album ‘Love Will Be the Theme Song’ (FSNT, 2023) at the Jamboree -, Oriol Fontclara, Víctor Correa, Irene Reig and the Liceu Big Band, among others. Paz is one of the great guitarists of his generation.


Instagram: @raipazc