Voll-Damm Festival de Jazz de Barcelona - ALEJANDRO HURTADO - Jamboree Jazz
Voll-Damm Festival de Jazz de Barcelona
Voll-Damm Festival de Jazz de Barcelona – ALEJANDRO HURTADO

Alejandro Hurtado guitar.

The Alicante guitarist Alejandro Hurtado performed last December at the Barcelona Jazz Festival accompanying Miguel Poveda at the Gran Teatre del Liceu. It was there where he gave us a beautiful album: ‘Maestros del arte clásico flamenco’. A work that, as the guitarist and journalist Pablo San Nicasio Ramos has very wisely defined, “not only restores the validity of the touch of Don Ramón Montoya and the maestro Manolo de Huelva, but also sublimates the guitar art of the luthiers who created their instruments and that today Alejandro has rescued to put himself at their level. Which, eye, he has achieved ». For the singer Antonio Fernández Díaz, ‘Fosforito’, Alejandro Hurtado “is called to occupy a privileged place in the world of flamenco guitar.” First solo recital at our festival by a huge guitarist who will undoubtedly give a lot of people to talk about. At the time.


Instagram: @alejandrohurtadogarcia