BCN PEOPLE: Xiripa Combo + CHIMBET + Álvaro Belchi - Jamboree Jazz
BCN PEOPLE: Xiripa Combo + CHIMBET + Álvaro Belchi
  • 19h Xiripa Combo

Xiripa Combo is a quintet who perform their own music and Peruvian folk songs from the coast and the Andes, with arrangements inspired by jazz.

  • 20:30h Chimbet

Cristopher Pérez tenor sax, Guillaume Coulbois piano, Manuel Luque double bass, Rafael Motila drums.

This is a journey full of fun and dancing, but without losing sight of the complexity of the music. Chimbet is a quartet bringing together the personalities of each musician and the band’s different influences. All in all, the group’s intention is to enjoy their music and give the audience a good time too. Their approach draws on Latin music and jazz, combined with their own style. The repertoire includes a series of original compositions demonstrating Chimbet’s unique style.

  • 22h Álvaro Belchi

Álvaro Belchí mains vocals, Jordi Doben drums, Eric Elias bass & sintetizers, Néstor Pérez electric guitar, Ramon Macià keyboard.

Álvaro Belchí is one of the most promising vocalists in this country. From the Canary Islands and trained at Barcelona’s ESMUC, this amazing singer brings the Jamboree an exciting experience, with classic and new r ‘n’ b and funk tracks. Together with his colleagues from the Ned Lud group, he creates the perfect atmosphere for dancing non-stop to the best music on the planet.