Rosario Alfonso · Niña Tormenta · Diego Lorenzini
Ciclo BaCáN is a series of concerts that presents the highlights of the emerging and consolidated scene of the musical panorama of the Latin American scene.
With three versions made (2021, 2022 and 2023), it is emerging as a window for the exhibition and export of the highlights and projection of music from the south of the current world in Spain. It is projected as an instance of union between the Catalan and Spanish scenes with Chile and Latin America, promoting integration and links between countries through music.
Rosario Alfonso and Niña Tormenta cross the pond to reunite with their friend and colleague Diego Lorenzini, the Chilean musician who has been living in Barcelona for a few years and who in 2022 presented his fourth studio album “Palabritas y Palabrotas” (Uva Robot), with the who has just completed a tour of several months through Chile, Peru, Argentina, Ecuador, Colombia and Mexico.
For her part, the Chilean singer-songwriter Rosario Alfonso will debut in Spain with her songs recorded in two celebrated albums “Lo Primero” (Uva Robot, 2017) and “De Canciones Tristes y Otra Subtlezas” (Uva Robot, 2022), works where the acoustic instruments, such as the Venezuelan cuatro, guitars and ukuleles.
@undiegolorenzini @niniatormenta @rosarioalfonsocanta @ciclobacan