Marina BBface vocals · Alex Zayas guitar · Joan Vigo bass · Oriol Pidelaserra keyboards · Sergi Torrents drums
After leaving The Pepper Pots, Marina “BBface” decided to start her own project, with her songs and in her own way, thus Marina BBface & The Beatroots was born in 2013.
And without wasting a moment, in 2014 they released their first album “Time to Begin”, an impeccable live performance, their own style that draws on different and clear influences and without leaving the old school Soul that led them to tour around Spain and the main media.
In 2016 they released their second album “Still Beating” where they established themselves as a reference project of the Spanish black scene, in 2017 “How Far You Can Go” was released.
Now after a long silence and with a partially renewed lineup they return stronger than ever with the new album “Journey”, with a very mature and careful sound.
A journey through the singer’s personal path where she captures a stage song by song: motherhood, separation, loneliness, overcoming…
These songs will not leave you indifferent, funk, soul, rock… each song is a sound universe. Production of 10 by Marc Tena recorded at Feelback Studio.
This concert is for individuals aged +18 years old.