TERRA Musical Ensemble - Jamboree Jazz
TERRA Musical Ensemble
TERRA Musical Ensemble

Daniel Juárez tenor sax · Miquel Álvarez doublebass · Rodrigo Ballesteros drums, percussion · Carmen Lancho vocals · Mario Fierro piano


A deep affection and admiration for our musical heritage gives birth to the TERRA project, conceived as a platform for research and experimentation in which various young artists, prominent in jazz, classical music, or flamenco, among others, collaborate. Together and through the language of free improvisation, the members of the ensemble delve into the roots of our musical tradition, generating a live and unique sound in constant evolution with each performance.

Since its inception in 2018, the group has had the opportunity to participate in festivals such as Clásicos en Verano de la CAM, the ASISA Festival, the JazzAescena festival, the Talavera de la Reina Jazz Festival, and the Noches Clásicas del E.C.C.O. in Cádiz. Additionally, they have collaborated on programs like “Andante con Moto” and “Abre los oídos” on Radio Nacional de España and performed in venues such as the Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando and the Palacio de Longoria (headquarters of S.G.A.E.) in Madrid.

In the quintet formation, a more contemporary sound expression of the project is achieved. The contemporary harmonic and rhythmic richness blends with tradition thanks to the natural presence of the voice as a bridge between the folkloric roots and the basic jazz quartet format, which freely navigates through the structures.



Terra Musical Ensemble



Tuesday 15, October 2024
Jamboree Sala 1 Plaça Reial, 17, 08002 Barcelona
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15 Members
19 Not early
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